Booking submissions at The Sunset Tavern are made through the form below. Before you submit, please review our booking guidelines first.
Please note we typically book 2-3 months in advance. Weekends are often booked even further out than that (during busy touring season in March and October, sometimes 4 – 6 months out). We love working with new local artists, so even if you’re a new/smaller local band, we’re definitely down to work with you on a Sunday through Thursday show and make it the best it can be.
For mid-week (Sunday – Thursday) shows, we are generally hoping to have at least 50 or so attendees. For weekends (Friday and Saturday), we’re generally shooting to have at least 125-150 ticket buyers over the course of the show (sellout is 200). These aren’t necessarily hard and fast rules, but consider these general targets our booking team is trying to hit when asking about potential dates or building potential bills.
DO NOT mail unsolicited demo packages. They often get lost in the shuffle, and honestly, it’s just not a good use of your money. You’ll have much better luck getting our attention by sending us an email with the info outlined above!
Due to the overwhelming number of requests we receive for booking, we can’t promise a response to all submissions. If you’ve dropped us a line and haven’t heard back, please feel free to follow up with another email a few weeks later. Absolutely DO NOT call the Sunset to attempt to book a show. The people answering that number are not involved in booking.
Tips for Touring Bands: Please include the date/potential dates you are looking to play. Include detailed information about your history playing in Seattle (including turnout for previous shows, bands you played with, etc), and let us know if you have any Seattle locals interested in joining you for your next show.